AJ is now 22 months old - I can't believe I get to start planning his second birthday party already! He is such a joy in our lives. AJ is ALL boy -playing with trucks, trains, tractors, and airplanes constantly (although this past weekend he did play with a baby doll on a playdate). AJ is talking more words than I can count. He counted to ten by himself for the first time yesterday. I got so excited, I think I startled him slightly by jumping up and down with excitement and all my clapping. He is so smart and is a great helper. Usually AJ's helping requires me to clean up more than I would have initially cleaned up, but he just beams with joy and pride when he does things like the dishes, laundry, vacuum, and dust. He still signs a lot, but now is pairing words with the signs. He can sign just over thirty words, and uses about twenty on a daily basis. Last week we bought AJ his toddler bed - I guess I ended up being way more excited about it than he was. On craigslist I found a firetruck bed (and he LOVES firetrucks). It is in perfect condition, and even comes with a "heroes" comforter, sheets, and pillowcase. He likes to jump on it and off it, but so far isn't into sitting or sleeping on it.
AJ knows there is a "baby in mommy's belly" and gives sweet little kisses to the baby every night. (He also thinks it is fun to poke his finger at my belly button while doing this). Usually about two seconds after he lifts my shirt to look at my belly he says "bye" and pulls my shirt back down. I don't think it will be that easy for him come this June!
Our baby on the way has already started to show some behaviors that we have to work on. We went Monday to get our gender determining ultrasound, and low and behold, the little bugger had it's legs crossed the entire time! We have to wait one more month before our next appointment. I am 21 weeks now, so I will be 25 weeks along when we get to find out if the room gets to be pink or blue (hopefully we will get a clear shot then). I was so thankful to hear and se that it is healthy, and there were no health concerns or risks to worry about at this point. I am feeling the baby move on a daily basis and he/she is kicking hard enough to make my skin move. I am always so amazed and thankful that God has granted us this opportunity to get pregnant a second time. We have been blessed beyond anything I would have known to wish for with such a wonderful son as AJ, and I constantly think about how amazed I am to think that we will one day soon have that much more love to give. We are all so excited for AJ's little baby brother/sister to be here.
Please feel free to contact me at Missy7t@yahoo.com!